Fruchtsäure in der Gesichtspflege: Was du wissen solltest

Fruit acid in facial care: what you should know

Fruit acids are all the rage in the skincare world - and for good reason. These powerful ingredients have the potential to renew the skin, making it look more radiant and youthful. But what exactly is behind the hype surrounding fruit acids in facial care products?

What are fruit acids?

Fruit acidsalso known as alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), are organic acids that occur naturally in various fruits. These include glycolic acid from sugar cane, lactic acid from dairy products, malic acid from apples and citric acid from citrus fruits. These acids have exfoliating properties that can gently remove dead skin cells and promote skin renewal.



Benefits of using fruit acids in facial care:

1. Exfoliating effect: Fruit acids gently remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, leaving it smoother and more radiant.
2. Stimulation of collagen production: By removing dead skin cells, collagen production can be stimulated, resulting in improved skin elasticity and firmness.
3. Improved skin texture: Regular use of fruit acids can improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and acne scars.
4. Even complexion: Fruit acids can help promote a more even skin tone by reducing dark spots and discoloration.

What should you look out for when using fruit acids?

1. Correct concentration: For beginners, it is advisable to start with products containing low concentrations of fruit acids to avoid skin irritation. The concentration can be gradually increased once the skin has become accustomed to it.
2. Sun protection: As fruit acids can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight, it is advisable to use a sun protection cream is essential to protect the skin from sun damage.
3. Do not overuse: Excessive use of fruit acids can cause skin irritation. It is important to follow the instructions of our QMS experts and beauticians and to pay attention to the skin's needs.


Fruit acids are powerful ingredients that can provide numerous benefits for the skin when used correctly. You can achieve smoother, brighter and more youthful looking skin by regularly using facial products with fruit acids. However, remember to gradually acclimatize your skin to the use of fruit acids and always use appropriate sun protection.

Give it a try and discover the amazing benefits fruit acids can offer your skin! HERE discover all QMS products with fruit acids!

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